Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Speech to Plaid's Spring Conference/Araith i Gynhadledd Wanwyn y Blaid
Nearly four years ago, this party decided to become a party of government.
We went into a coalition agreement with our eyes open; having agreed a deal - the One Wales agreement – not only between the political elites but directly between the memberships of both parties.
Just think just how different that democratic process was to the stitch up in Westminster that gave us the present ConDem regime.
Now, our deal has served Wales well.
When the international bankers blew the last wads of our cash on their junky gambling habit, we were ready in government to help the most vulnerable.
When unemployment threatened many of our industrial workers, we stepped in with programmes such as ProAct that saved thousands of jobs.
And most importantly, for the long term, we insisted and secured a guarantee not only of a referendum on legislative powers for our Assembly, but also a guarantee that Labour would campaign actively for those powers – in this period of office.
As Peter Hain said – all this was done at Plaid’s insistence.
Plaid’s insistence that our nation was ready for full powers
Plaid’s insistence that we invest in our health service
Plaid’s insistence that we save 3% on our carbon emissions
Plaid’s insistence that we build the case that comprehensively showed that Barnett formula shortchanged Wales.
Peter Hain’s soundbites never hurt us, but they do sometimes work for us –
“at Plaid’s insistence” is the best shorthand way of describing how the One Wales government has been a success.
Ond rhaid edrych nid yn unig ar lwyddiant Cymru'n Un ond hefyd ar beth fydde'r dewis arall.
Nid son am yr enfys ydw' i - er bod wastad enfys hyd yn oed yn y tywydd mwya stormus – ond son ydwy i am beth fydde record Llafur ar eu pennau eu hunain.
Yn 2007, roedd Llafur am dorri buddsoddiad yn ein hysbytai. Roedd Bronglais yn y Canolbarth a Gorllewin o dan fythygiad. Yr wythnos hon, gwelson ni fuddsoddiad o £38 miliwn yn ysbyty Bronglais. Eto oherwydd bod Plaid yn mynnu.
Yn 2007 roedd Llafur am i ymlwybro ymlaen gyda'r sustem LCO am ddegawd o leia.
Yn 2007, roedd Llafur yn erbyn Deddf Iaith o gwbl; o blaid codi ffioedd dysgu i'r entrychion, a – cofiwch chi – yn mynnu fod y fformiwla Barnett yn gweithio er lles Cymru.
Do, pan aeth Plaid i mewn i lywodraeth fe newidion ni bolisiau trychinebus, fe sefydlon ni lywodraeth Cymru gyfan go iawn a dwgyd Llafur ymaith o'u hobsesiwn gydag ardaloedd a sectorau cul.
Rydym yn gadael llywodraeth fel plaid sydd wedi aeddfedu, tipyn bach fel y caws ffermdy Cymreig gore!
Ac rwy'n credu ein bod wedi defnyddio ein hamser mewn llywodraeth i dyfu a dwfnhau ein gwreiddiau a'n cred mewn cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn ogystal.
Mae Plaid mewn llywodraeth wedi cadw at ein hegwyddorion ac yn wir wedi'u cryfhau. Mor wahanol i'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol a werthodd eu hetifeddiaeth am bris lledr car gweinidogol.
Pan ddaeth y dirwasgiad – oherwydd gweithredoedd y bancwyr o dan anogaeth Llafur a'r Toriaid – fe weithion ni i glymu cymunedau at eu gilydd, nid eu chwalu.
Dangoson ni gyda'n ymrwymiad i ostwng allyriadau carbon 3 y cant ein bod am i'r genedl gyfrannu i'r frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd a gosod ein hawl i ddefnyddio ein hadnoddau naturiol i adeiladu cenedl gryfach a mwy gwydn.
A chymeron ni bob cyfle i adeiladu ein llwyodraeth genedlaethol.
Wyddoch chi'r peth mwya comig am yr ymgyrch refferendwm? - Wel, y syniad y bydde pleidlais Ie yn ein gosod ar ben y llethr llithrig i annibyniaeth.
Gyfeillion, buon ni ar y tyle hwnnw ers y blaidlais yn 97. Siwrne safodd pobl Cymru lan a datgan ein bod yn genedl – ac bod rhaid ini llywodraethu fel cenedl – fel drodd rhod hanes a chychwynson ni ar y daith tuag at annibyniaeth.
Cadarnhad, ac nid y cychwyn, oedd y blaidlais Ie.
Ond os buon ni'n aeddfed mewn llywodraeth mae'n rhaid ini fod yn aeddfed yn hyn o beth hefyd. Fydden ni ddim yn cyrraedd pen y daeth yn gloiach drwy weiddi fel plant bach drwg “yn ni wedi cyrraedd 'to?”
Ein dyletswydd yn awr yw mynd yn ol i lywodraeth, gan ein bod yn gwybod nad oes gan Lafur ddim i'w gynnig.
Ie, mae'n wir fod Carwyn wedi dysgu siarad fel cenedlaetholwr. Ar ol blynydde o sefyll yn y cornel yn fud, mae Llafur am “sefyll cornel Cymru”. Ond mae'r Blaid wedi hen fynd heibio dim ond sefyll dros Gymru – mae hynny'n ail natur i ni – rydym ni am i Gymru sefyll ar ei thraed ei hunan.
Ond o dan arweinyddiaeth Carwyn – neu ife Hain neu Ed sy'n arwain? - maen nhw'n ysu am rematch o'r 80au, gan gynnig dim byd adeiladol nac uchelgeisiol i Gymru.
Ond dyw cynnig addewid o bethe gwell o dan lywodraeth ffantasiol Ed Milliband ddim yn ddigon da. Dyw Cymru ddim yn gallu aros am hynny.
Mae Cyllideb “twf” honedig Obsorne yn golygu 30,000 o bobl ddiwaith ychwanegol. Mae'n rhaid gweithredu yn awr.
Llywodraeth Brown a Hain a ddywedodd ei bod hi'n gysurus gyda thwf pobl “cyfoethog cythreulig”; a wrthododd drethiannau gwyrdd a chyfiawn; a fynnodd ryfel anghyfiawn yn Irac ac a welodd y bwlch rhwng y tlawd a'r cyfoethog dyfu yn ddibaid.
Pan wrthwynebodd Aelodau Seneddol Plaid Cymru y codiant yn TAW, fe wnaeth Llafur ei lyncu.
Mae gan Lafur ddau arweinydd yng Nghymru a dwy wyneb yn San Steffan.
A beth am y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol? Roedd Clegg yn iawn, wyddoch chi. Mae torri gwariant cyhoeddus yn rhy fuan ac yn rhy ddwfn wedi tanseilio'r economi a chreu diweithdra.
Roedd gan y Toriaid gynlluniau cudd i godi TAW – gan gostio pob teulu yn y wlad bron £400 ychwanegol bob blwyddyn.
Do, roedd Clegg yn iawn, ymhob dim, ond un peth. Y penderfyniad erchyll, anfaddeuol i roi'i blaid fel tarian ddynol o gwmpas y llywodraeth Doriaidd mwya ideolegol, .mwya asgell dde a mwya di-hid am Gymru am genhedlaeth.
You can tell how important Wales is to the Lib Dems and this Westminster government by the simple fact that since the election, Welsh Lib Dem MPs have not held one single press conference to explain themselves or their selling out. Welsh Lib Dem MPs are content to let two Tories do their talking for them.
In June, two beavers will be reintroduced in mid and west Wales. The first time we will have seen beavers for 800 years. At this rate, they won’t even need to breed to outnumber Lib Dem AMs and on this record, Lib Dems won’t deserve our trust for another 800 years either.
I say to Lib Dem voters. If you feel betrayed by the decision of Clegg to sell out to the heirs of Blair and Thatcher, there is a home for you in Plaid Cymru. A party that puts the people of Wales first and fights for civil liberties and the realisation of the individual's ambition. We won't let you down.
May is a Welsh election. We are electing the next Welsh government.
Plaid knows there is a huge job to do still. We need to improve our young people’s skills and education. We need a school year and a school curriculum that, building on the Foundation Stage, gives our young people the skills and knowledge they need for the economy of the future.
We need to encourage enterprise and job creation and investment, particuarly in green jobs and renewable technologies. While Westminster faffs about with a green bank sometimes in 2015, we have firm, realistic proposals now for a company that can invest in the infrastructure of our nation.
So we can build for Wales, and invest in our schools, hospitals and public transport. And we can do similar things in renewable energy also. Wales has fantastic wind, tidal, water and even solar energy sources that this nation should own, exploit and use for the benefit of our communities.
Ieuan as Leader and Minister has swept aside the old ways of doing things within Welsh government. Now we see clearly that ambition will be supported and recognised and job creation will be about getting the right skilled people to the right place to attract the right companies to invest.
By building a better, linked up Wales, we are making broadband and the knowledge economy open to all. Labour and the Tories are fighting the economic battles of the last century – chasing the chimera of inward investment that up sticks and leaves when the going gets touch. Plaid will build investment here in Wales; for Welsh companies and creating up to 50,000 jobs.
The lesson of the last four years is this:
Plaid in government does make a difference
Labour are retreating to their old, narrow and unimaginative ways
The Tories and their friends the Lib Dems have no ambition for Wales and no way to grow our nation.
This party has known for more than 80 years that the best government for Wales is one with Plaid Cymru written through it like the writing in a stick of Pwllheli rock.
And we intend to stick around in government for a better Wales.
Nearly four years ago, this party decided to become a party of government.
We went into a coalition agreement with our eyes open; having agreed a deal - the One Wales agreement – not only between the political elites but directly between the memberships of both parties.
Just think just how different that democratic process was to the stitch up in Westminster that gave us the present ConDem regime.
Now, our deal has served Wales well.
When the international bankers blew the last wads of our cash on their junky gambling habit, we were ready in government to help the most vulnerable.
When unemployment threatened many of our industrial workers, we stepped in with programmes such as ProAct that saved thousands of jobs.
And most importantly, for the long term, we insisted and secured a guarantee not only of a referendum on legislative powers for our Assembly, but also a guarantee that Labour would campaign actively for those powers – in this period of office.
As Peter Hain said – all this was done at Plaid’s insistence.
Plaid’s insistence that our nation was ready for full powers
Plaid’s insistence that we invest in our health service
Plaid’s insistence that we save 3% on our carbon emissions
Plaid’s insistence that we build the case that comprehensively showed that Barnett formula shortchanged Wales.
Peter Hain’s soundbites never hurt us, but they do sometimes work for us –
“at Plaid’s insistence” is the best shorthand way of describing how the One Wales government has been a success.
Ond rhaid edrych nid yn unig ar lwyddiant Cymru'n Un ond hefyd ar beth fydde'r dewis arall.
Nid son am yr enfys ydw' i - er bod wastad enfys hyd yn oed yn y tywydd mwya stormus – ond son ydwy i am beth fydde record Llafur ar eu pennau eu hunain.
Yn 2007, roedd Llafur am dorri buddsoddiad yn ein hysbytai. Roedd Bronglais yn y Canolbarth a Gorllewin o dan fythygiad. Yr wythnos hon, gwelson ni fuddsoddiad o £38 miliwn yn ysbyty Bronglais. Eto oherwydd bod Plaid yn mynnu.
Yn 2007 roedd Llafur am i ymlwybro ymlaen gyda'r sustem LCO am ddegawd o leia.
Yn 2007, roedd Llafur yn erbyn Deddf Iaith o gwbl; o blaid codi ffioedd dysgu i'r entrychion, a – cofiwch chi – yn mynnu fod y fformiwla Barnett yn gweithio er lles Cymru.
Do, pan aeth Plaid i mewn i lywodraeth fe newidion ni bolisiau trychinebus, fe sefydlon ni lywodraeth Cymru gyfan go iawn a dwgyd Llafur ymaith o'u hobsesiwn gydag ardaloedd a sectorau cul.
Rydym yn gadael llywodraeth fel plaid sydd wedi aeddfedu, tipyn bach fel y caws ffermdy Cymreig gore!
Ac rwy'n credu ein bod wedi defnyddio ein hamser mewn llywodraeth i dyfu a dwfnhau ein gwreiddiau a'n cred mewn cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn ogystal.
Mae Plaid mewn llywodraeth wedi cadw at ein hegwyddorion ac yn wir wedi'u cryfhau. Mor wahanol i'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol a werthodd eu hetifeddiaeth am bris lledr car gweinidogol.
Pan ddaeth y dirwasgiad – oherwydd gweithredoedd y bancwyr o dan anogaeth Llafur a'r Toriaid – fe weithion ni i glymu cymunedau at eu gilydd, nid eu chwalu.
Dangoson ni gyda'n ymrwymiad i ostwng allyriadau carbon 3 y cant ein bod am i'r genedl gyfrannu i'r frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd a gosod ein hawl i ddefnyddio ein hadnoddau naturiol i adeiladu cenedl gryfach a mwy gwydn.
A chymeron ni bob cyfle i adeiladu ein llwyodraeth genedlaethol.
Wyddoch chi'r peth mwya comig am yr ymgyrch refferendwm? - Wel, y syniad y bydde pleidlais Ie yn ein gosod ar ben y llethr llithrig i annibyniaeth.
Gyfeillion, buon ni ar y tyle hwnnw ers y blaidlais yn 97. Siwrne safodd pobl Cymru lan a datgan ein bod yn genedl – ac bod rhaid ini llywodraethu fel cenedl – fel drodd rhod hanes a chychwynson ni ar y daith tuag at annibyniaeth.
Cadarnhad, ac nid y cychwyn, oedd y blaidlais Ie.
Ond os buon ni'n aeddfed mewn llywodraeth mae'n rhaid ini fod yn aeddfed yn hyn o beth hefyd. Fydden ni ddim yn cyrraedd pen y daeth yn gloiach drwy weiddi fel plant bach drwg “yn ni wedi cyrraedd 'to?”
Ein dyletswydd yn awr yw mynd yn ol i lywodraeth, gan ein bod yn gwybod nad oes gan Lafur ddim i'w gynnig.
Ie, mae'n wir fod Carwyn wedi dysgu siarad fel cenedlaetholwr. Ar ol blynydde o sefyll yn y cornel yn fud, mae Llafur am “sefyll cornel Cymru”. Ond mae'r Blaid wedi hen fynd heibio dim ond sefyll dros Gymru – mae hynny'n ail natur i ni – rydym ni am i Gymru sefyll ar ei thraed ei hunan.
Ond o dan arweinyddiaeth Carwyn – neu ife Hain neu Ed sy'n arwain? - maen nhw'n ysu am rematch o'r 80au, gan gynnig dim byd adeiladol nac uchelgeisiol i Gymru.
Ond dyw cynnig addewid o bethe gwell o dan lywodraeth ffantasiol Ed Milliband ddim yn ddigon da. Dyw Cymru ddim yn gallu aros am hynny.
Mae Cyllideb “twf” honedig Obsorne yn golygu 30,000 o bobl ddiwaith ychwanegol. Mae'n rhaid gweithredu yn awr.
Llywodraeth Brown a Hain a ddywedodd ei bod hi'n gysurus gyda thwf pobl “cyfoethog cythreulig”; a wrthododd drethiannau gwyrdd a chyfiawn; a fynnodd ryfel anghyfiawn yn Irac ac a welodd y bwlch rhwng y tlawd a'r cyfoethog dyfu yn ddibaid.
Pan wrthwynebodd Aelodau Seneddol Plaid Cymru y codiant yn TAW, fe wnaeth Llafur ei lyncu.
Mae gan Lafur ddau arweinydd yng Nghymru a dwy wyneb yn San Steffan.
A beth am y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol? Roedd Clegg yn iawn, wyddoch chi. Mae torri gwariant cyhoeddus yn rhy fuan ac yn rhy ddwfn wedi tanseilio'r economi a chreu diweithdra.
Roedd gan y Toriaid gynlluniau cudd i godi TAW – gan gostio pob teulu yn y wlad bron £400 ychwanegol bob blwyddyn.
Do, roedd Clegg yn iawn, ymhob dim, ond un peth. Y penderfyniad erchyll, anfaddeuol i roi'i blaid fel tarian ddynol o gwmpas y llywodraeth Doriaidd mwya ideolegol, .mwya asgell dde a mwya di-hid am Gymru am genhedlaeth.
You can tell how important Wales is to the Lib Dems and this Westminster government by the simple fact that since the election, Welsh Lib Dem MPs have not held one single press conference to explain themselves or their selling out. Welsh Lib Dem MPs are content to let two Tories do their talking for them.
In June, two beavers will be reintroduced in mid and west Wales. The first time we will have seen beavers for 800 years. At this rate, they won’t even need to breed to outnumber Lib Dem AMs and on this record, Lib Dems won’t deserve our trust for another 800 years either.
I say to Lib Dem voters. If you feel betrayed by the decision of Clegg to sell out to the heirs of Blair and Thatcher, there is a home for you in Plaid Cymru. A party that puts the people of Wales first and fights for civil liberties and the realisation of the individual's ambition. We won't let you down.
May is a Welsh election. We are electing the next Welsh government.
Plaid knows there is a huge job to do still. We need to improve our young people’s skills and education. We need a school year and a school curriculum that, building on the Foundation Stage, gives our young people the skills and knowledge they need for the economy of the future.
We need to encourage enterprise and job creation and investment, particuarly in green jobs and renewable technologies. While Westminster faffs about with a green bank sometimes in 2015, we have firm, realistic proposals now for a company that can invest in the infrastructure of our nation.
So we can build for Wales, and invest in our schools, hospitals and public transport. And we can do similar things in renewable energy also. Wales has fantastic wind, tidal, water and even solar energy sources that this nation should own, exploit and use for the benefit of our communities.
Ieuan as Leader and Minister has swept aside the old ways of doing things within Welsh government. Now we see clearly that ambition will be supported and recognised and job creation will be about getting the right skilled people to the right place to attract the right companies to invest.
By building a better, linked up Wales, we are making broadband and the knowledge economy open to all. Labour and the Tories are fighting the economic battles of the last century – chasing the chimera of inward investment that up sticks and leaves when the going gets touch. Plaid will build investment here in Wales; for Welsh companies and creating up to 50,000 jobs.
The lesson of the last four years is this:
Plaid in government does make a difference
Labour are retreating to their old, narrow and unimaginative ways
The Tories and their friends the Lib Dems have no ambition for Wales and no way to grow our nation.
This party has known for more than 80 years that the best government for Wales is one with Plaid Cymru written through it like the writing in a stick of Pwllheli rock.
And we intend to stick around in government for a better Wales.
Monday, 21 March 2011
Funding for FE education/Cyllido addysg bellach
Mae'n dda gen'i ddweud imi heddiw gefnogi ymgyrch undeb yr ATL ar gyfer cyllido teg i addysg bellach yng Nghymru. Bu'r undeb yn ddigon doeth i gydnabod fod y diffyg cyllido yn y fformiwla sydd yn dosbarthu arian i Gymru (Barnett) oedd wrth wraidd y diffyg, ond mae'i gofynion eraill yn deg hefyd.
I am pleased to say I today signed up to the ATL Union's funding pledge. The union were sensible enough to acknowledge the real funding gap is that in the Barnett formula which currently allocates resources to the Welsh government, but their other demands are fair as well.
Funding pledge
I am pleased to say I today signed up to the ATL Union's funding pledge. The union were sensible enough to acknowledge the real funding gap is that in the Barnett formula which currently allocates resources to the Welsh government, but their other demands are fair as well.
Funding pledge
Friday, 18 March 2011
Libya – a new Iraq or a lesson learned?
Eight years ago today I sat in the House of Commons for what became the most important debate I ever participated in. And the most difficult. It was the first time the House had been asked to approve military action on a substantive motion – rather than a pathetic adjournment of the House. This was as far as New Labour’s commitment to an ethical foreign policy went however, for the debate and decision that day was to go to war in Iraq.
Tony Blair gave an immensely impressive performance, there’s no doubt about that, but we also now know how shallow, misleading and duplicitous it was.
I had questions for him, but he brushed me off:
The Prime Minister : I shall certainly do so. The UN resolution that should provide for the proper governance of Iraq should also protect totally the territorial integrity of Iraq. And this point is also important: that the oil revenues, which people falsely claim that we want to seize, should be put in a trust fund for the Iraqi people administered through the UN.
Mr. Simon Thomas (Ceredigion): Will the Prime Minister give way?
The Prime Minister: In a moment.
18 Mar 2003 : Column 772
Let the future Government of Iraq be given the chance to begin the process of uniting the nation's disparate groups, on a democratic basis—
Despite the stated aim of going to war to secure a democratic future for Iraq I was unconvinced both of the legal basis and the long term effectiveness of such action.
I was right and Blair was wrong and looking at the list of those who spoke that day I see many who have since recanted.
By 10.30pm we had voted, and it is worth noting the full text of the motion that the House of Commons approved that day – but which I and Plaid Cymru voted against:
That this House notes its decisions of 25th November 2002 and 26th February 2003 to endorse UN Security Council Resolution 1441; recognises that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles, and its continuing non-compliance with Security Council Resolutions, pose a threat to international peace and security; notes that in the 130 days since Resolution 1441 was adopted Iraq has not co-operated actively, unconditionally and immediately with the weapons inspectors, and has rejected the final opportunity to comply and is in further material breach of its obligations under successive mandatory UN Security Council Resolutions; regrets that despite sustained diplomatic effort by Her Majesty's Government it has not proved possible to secure a second Resolution in the UN because one Permanent Member of the Security Council made plain in public its intention to use its veto whatever the circumstances; notes the opinion of the Attorney General that, Iraq having failed to comply and Iraq being at the time of Resolution 1441 and continuing to be in material breach, the authority to use force under Resolution 678 has revived and so continues today; believes that the United Kingdom must uphold the authority of the United Nations as set out in Resolution 1441 and many Resolutions preceding it, and therefore supports the decision of Her Majesty's Government that the United Kingdom should use all means necessary to ensure the disarmament of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction; offers wholehearted support to the men and women of Her Majesty's Armed Forces now on duty in the Middle East; in the event of military operations requires that, on an urgent basis, the United Kingdom should seek a new Security Council Resolution that would affirm Iraq's territorial integrity, ensure rapid delivery of humanitarian relief, allow for the earliest possible lifting of UN sanctions, an international reconstruction programme, and the use of all oil revenues for the benefit of the Iraqi people and endorse an appropriate post-conflict administration for Iraq, leading to a representative government which upholds human rights and the rule of law for all Iraqis; and also welcomes the imminent publication of the Quartet's roadmap as a significant step to bringing a just and lasting peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians and for the wider Middle East region, and endorses the role of Her Majesty's Government in actively working for peace between Israel and Palestine.
We know now that the reference to the Attorney General’s views was misleading to say the least, but what is particularly disheartening about this motion is the sop to Labour backbenchers regarding Israel and Palestine.
For the last eight years the situation in Palestine has worsened, not improved, and the Quartet’s efforts have been pitiful. Indeed when the Quartet appointed Tony Blair on his retirement as PM as their representative, then their efforts amounted to an insult to legitimate Palestinian grievances under successive UN resolutions.
After that vote, I and my Plaid Cymru colleagues continued to oppose the war in Iraq and campaign hard against it. Many will recall Adam Price’s superb efforts to impeach Blair for lying to Parliament. I pressed the case for legality in international affairs and UN leadership in ways varying from visiting Palestine to promoting the memory and example of Henry Richard
Which brings us now to Libya. Let’s acknowledge first that the Tories have learned the lesson of Iraq. Yesterday’s UN resolution was firm and unambiguous. I don’t have any doubts about the Attorney General’s views. It does not mandate occupation, but it does mandate military action to secure humanitarian aims. In this regard it seems to me to be in accordance with the St Petersburg principles – and the developments of them - which lie at the heart of Plaid Cymru’s approach to international affairs.
St Petersburg Declaration
I don’t deny that the action on Libya is ripe with hypocrisy. Cynics will talk of oil, Darfur, Rwanda, East Timor…and they are right. My own current example is that of the King of Bahrain, invited to “the wedding” (you know which one I mean) even as the UN human rights chief condemns his government for "blatant violation of international law".
But if I have learned anything in years of politics and trying to get things done, it is not to allow unreasonable perfection to drive out the good.
The UN resolution on Libya has led to a ceasefire (of sorts); the UK Parliament will vote on it on Monday; Gaddafi is using tremendous violence against protesters and promised “no mercy”. I believe what is being proposed so far is commensurate with the UN resolution. I support it, and I hope my Plaid Cymru colleagues – those anyway who do not have pacifist beliefs – will do so also.
Tony Blair gave an immensely impressive performance, there’s no doubt about that, but we also now know how shallow, misleading and duplicitous it was.
I had questions for him, but he brushed me off:
The Prime Minister : I shall certainly do so. The UN resolution that should provide for the proper governance of Iraq should also protect totally the territorial integrity of Iraq. And this point is also important: that the oil revenues, which people falsely claim that we want to seize, should be put in a trust fund for the Iraqi people administered through the UN.
Mr. Simon Thomas (Ceredigion): Will the Prime Minister give way?
The Prime Minister: In a moment.
18 Mar 2003 : Column 772
Let the future Government of Iraq be given the chance to begin the process of uniting the nation's disparate groups, on a democratic basis—
Despite the stated aim of going to war to secure a democratic future for Iraq I was unconvinced both of the legal basis and the long term effectiveness of such action.
I was right and Blair was wrong and looking at the list of those who spoke that day I see many who have since recanted.
By 10.30pm we had voted, and it is worth noting the full text of the motion that the House of Commons approved that day – but which I and Plaid Cymru voted against:
That this House notes its decisions of 25th November 2002 and 26th February 2003 to endorse UN Security Council Resolution 1441; recognises that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and long range missiles, and its continuing non-compliance with Security Council Resolutions, pose a threat to international peace and security; notes that in the 130 days since Resolution 1441 was adopted Iraq has not co-operated actively, unconditionally and immediately with the weapons inspectors, and has rejected the final opportunity to comply and is in further material breach of its obligations under successive mandatory UN Security Council Resolutions; regrets that despite sustained diplomatic effort by Her Majesty's Government it has not proved possible to secure a second Resolution in the UN because one Permanent Member of the Security Council made plain in public its intention to use its veto whatever the circumstances; notes the opinion of the Attorney General that, Iraq having failed to comply and Iraq being at the time of Resolution 1441 and continuing to be in material breach, the authority to use force under Resolution 678 has revived and so continues today; believes that the United Kingdom must uphold the authority of the United Nations as set out in Resolution 1441 and many Resolutions preceding it, and therefore supports the decision of Her Majesty's Government that the United Kingdom should use all means necessary to ensure the disarmament of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction; offers wholehearted support to the men and women of Her Majesty's Armed Forces now on duty in the Middle East; in the event of military operations requires that, on an urgent basis, the United Kingdom should seek a new Security Council Resolution that would affirm Iraq's territorial integrity, ensure rapid delivery of humanitarian relief, allow for the earliest possible lifting of UN sanctions, an international reconstruction programme, and the use of all oil revenues for the benefit of the Iraqi people and endorse an appropriate post-conflict administration for Iraq, leading to a representative government which upholds human rights and the rule of law for all Iraqis; and also welcomes the imminent publication of the Quartet's roadmap as a significant step to bringing a just and lasting peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians and for the wider Middle East region, and endorses the role of Her Majesty's Government in actively working for peace between Israel and Palestine.
We know now that the reference to the Attorney General’s views was misleading to say the least, but what is particularly disheartening about this motion is the sop to Labour backbenchers regarding Israel and Palestine.
For the last eight years the situation in Palestine has worsened, not improved, and the Quartet’s efforts have been pitiful. Indeed when the Quartet appointed Tony Blair on his retirement as PM as their representative, then their efforts amounted to an insult to legitimate Palestinian grievances under successive UN resolutions.
After that vote, I and my Plaid Cymru colleagues continued to oppose the war in Iraq and campaign hard against it. Many will recall Adam Price’s superb efforts to impeach Blair for lying to Parliament. I pressed the case for legality in international affairs and UN leadership in ways varying from visiting Palestine to promoting the memory and example of Henry Richard
Which brings us now to Libya. Let’s acknowledge first that the Tories have learned the lesson of Iraq. Yesterday’s UN resolution was firm and unambiguous. I don’t have any doubts about the Attorney General’s views. It does not mandate occupation, but it does mandate military action to secure humanitarian aims. In this regard it seems to me to be in accordance with the St Petersburg principles – and the developments of them - which lie at the heart of Plaid Cymru’s approach to international affairs.
St Petersburg Declaration
I don’t deny that the action on Libya is ripe with hypocrisy. Cynics will talk of oil, Darfur, Rwanda, East Timor…and they are right. My own current example is that of the King of Bahrain, invited to “the wedding” (you know which one I mean) even as the UN human rights chief condemns his government for "blatant violation of international law".
But if I have learned anything in years of politics and trying to get things done, it is not to allow unreasonable perfection to drive out the good.
The UN resolution on Libya has led to a ceasefire (of sorts); the UK Parliament will vote on it on Monday; Gaddafi is using tremendous violence against protesters and promised “no mercy”. I believe what is being proposed so far is commensurate with the UN resolution. I support it, and I hope my Plaid Cymru colleagues – those anyway who do not have pacifist beliefs – will do so also.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
I stand for children/Rwy'n sefyll dros blant
I have had a great number of emails asking me to support the NSPCC's Assembly campaign and I am delighted to do so. I am a long standing supporter of the NSPCC and took forward their campaigns as an MP. I am still listed as a supporter here:
Rwyf wedi derbyn nifer fawr o ebyst yn gofyn imi gefnogi ymgyrch y NSPCC ar gyfer etholiadau’r Cynulliad ac mae’n dda gennyf ei wneud. Rwyf wedi cefnogi’r NSPCC ers tro gan fynd a nifer o’i ymgyrchoedd ymlaen pan oeddwn yn AS. Rwy’n dal wedi cofrestru fel cefnogwr yma:
This press release sets out the current campaign.
Simon Thomas pledges support for NSPCC Cymru/Wales Assembly election campaign to protect children
Simon Thomas, prospective assembly candidate for Mid and West Wales, has pledged to support the NSPCC Cymru/Wales ‘I stand for children’ campaign which aims to make child protection a priority for the next Assembly Government.
Simon Thomas said: “As a candidate in Mid and West Wales, I’m supporting NSPCC Cymru/Wales’ new campaign to ensure protecting children is a political priority: I Stand for Children.”
The NSPCC’s campaign is calling on candidates to commit to three child protection measures:
• Ensuring that funding of frontline children’s social services is protected
• Tackling child neglect
• Ensuring that children are effectively protected from abuse in all sports settings in Wales
NSPCC head of service for Wales, Des Mannion, said: “We need to make sure that the next elected Assembly Government keeps child protection high on its list of priorities. By signing up to our campaign, candidates in this next election can help.
“The public can also help by visiting our campaign website and letting their candidates know what they want done."
More information about the NSPCC Cymru/Wales ‘I stand for children’ campaign can be found at www.istandforchildren.com/wales or www.istandforchildren.com/cymru
Mae Simon Thomas, darpar ymgeisydd y Cynulliad dros ardal y Canolbarth a'r Gorllewin, yn cefnogi ymgyrch NSPCC Cymru ‘Rwy’n sefyll dros blant’ sy’n ceisio sicrhau bod amddiffyn plant yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth nesaf y Cynulliad.
Dywedodd Simon Thomas: “Fel ymgeisydd yn ardal y Canolbarth a'r Gorllewin, rwy’n cefnogi ymgyrch newydd NSPCC Cymru i sicrhau bod amddiffyn plant yn cael blaenoriaeth wleidyddol: Rwy’n Sefyll dros Blant.”
Mae ymgyrch yr NSPCC yn galw ar ymgeiswyr i ymrwymo i dri mesur amddiffyn plant:
• Sicrhau bod cyllid ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymdeithasol plant rheng flaen yn cael ei ddiogelu
• Mynd i'r afael ag esgeuluso plant
• Sicrhau bod plant yn cael eu hamddiffyn yn effeithiol rhag cam-drin ym mhob lleoliad chwaraeon yng Nghymru
Dywedodd Des Mannion, Pennaeth Gwasanaethau NSPCC yng Nghymru: “Mae angen i ni wneud yn siŵr bod Llywodraeth etholedig nesaf y Cynulliad yn sicrhau bod amddiffyn plant yn aros yn uchel ar ei rhestr blaenoriaethau. Gall ymgeiswyr yn yr etholiad nesaf hwn ymuno â’r ymgyrch er mwyn helpu i gyflawni hyn.
“Gall y cyhoedd helpu hefyd drwy ymweld â gwefan ein hymgyrch a dweud wrth eu hymgeiswyr beth yr hoffent ei weld yn digwydd.”
Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am ymgyrch ‘Rwy’n sefyll dros blant’ NSPCC Cymru yn www.istandforchildren.com/cymru neu www.istandforchildren.com/wales
Rwyf wedi derbyn nifer fawr o ebyst yn gofyn imi gefnogi ymgyrch y NSPCC ar gyfer etholiadau’r Cynulliad ac mae’n dda gennyf ei wneud. Rwyf wedi cefnogi’r NSPCC ers tro gan fynd a nifer o’i ymgyrchoedd ymlaen pan oeddwn yn AS. Rwy’n dal wedi cofrestru fel cefnogwr yma:
This press release sets out the current campaign.
Simon Thomas pledges support for NSPCC Cymru/Wales Assembly election campaign to protect children
Simon Thomas, prospective assembly candidate for Mid and West Wales, has pledged to support the NSPCC Cymru/Wales ‘I stand for children’ campaign which aims to make child protection a priority for the next Assembly Government.
Simon Thomas said: “As a candidate in Mid and West Wales, I’m supporting NSPCC Cymru/Wales’ new campaign to ensure protecting children is a political priority: I Stand for Children.”
The NSPCC’s campaign is calling on candidates to commit to three child protection measures:
• Ensuring that funding of frontline children’s social services is protected
• Tackling child neglect
• Ensuring that children are effectively protected from abuse in all sports settings in Wales
NSPCC head of service for Wales, Des Mannion, said: “We need to make sure that the next elected Assembly Government keeps child protection high on its list of priorities. By signing up to our campaign, candidates in this next election can help.
“The public can also help by visiting our campaign website and letting their candidates know what they want done."
More information about the NSPCC Cymru/Wales ‘I stand for children’ campaign can be found at www.istandforchildren.com/wales or www.istandforchildren.com/cymru
Mae Simon Thomas, darpar ymgeisydd y Cynulliad dros ardal y Canolbarth a'r Gorllewin, yn cefnogi ymgyrch NSPCC Cymru ‘Rwy’n sefyll dros blant’ sy’n ceisio sicrhau bod amddiffyn plant yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth nesaf y Cynulliad.
Dywedodd Simon Thomas: “Fel ymgeisydd yn ardal y Canolbarth a'r Gorllewin, rwy’n cefnogi ymgyrch newydd NSPCC Cymru i sicrhau bod amddiffyn plant yn cael blaenoriaeth wleidyddol: Rwy’n Sefyll dros Blant.”
Mae ymgyrch yr NSPCC yn galw ar ymgeiswyr i ymrwymo i dri mesur amddiffyn plant:
• Sicrhau bod cyllid ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymdeithasol plant rheng flaen yn cael ei ddiogelu
• Mynd i'r afael ag esgeuluso plant
• Sicrhau bod plant yn cael eu hamddiffyn yn effeithiol rhag cam-drin ym mhob lleoliad chwaraeon yng Nghymru
Dywedodd Des Mannion, Pennaeth Gwasanaethau NSPCC yng Nghymru: “Mae angen i ni wneud yn siŵr bod Llywodraeth etholedig nesaf y Cynulliad yn sicrhau bod amddiffyn plant yn aros yn uchel ar ei rhestr blaenoriaethau. Gall ymgeiswyr yn yr etholiad nesaf hwn ymuno â’r ymgyrch er mwyn helpu i gyflawni hyn.
“Gall y cyhoedd helpu hefyd drwy ymweld â gwefan ein hymgyrch a dweud wrth eu hymgeiswyr beth yr hoffent ei weld yn digwydd.”
Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am ymgyrch ‘Rwy’n sefyll dros blant’ NSPCC Cymru yn www.istandforchildren.com/cymru neu www.istandforchildren.com/wales
Fy hen ewythyr (chwith) ar ei ddiwrnod cyntaf i lawr y pwll yn 14 oed. Doeddwn i ddim yn ei adnabod ond rwy'n cofio ei frawd Ken yn dda. Bydd fy mab i'n 14 eleni.
My great uncle (left) on his first day down the pit at 14. I didn't know him but I remember his brother Ken very well. My own son is 14 this year.
My great uncle (left) on his first day down the pit at 14. I didn't know him but I remember his brother Ken very well. My own son is 14 this year.
Gareth Potter a Sherman Cymru: Gadael yr ugeinfed ganrif Neuadd Fawr, Aberystwyth
Gadael yr ugeinfed ganrif
Er nad oedd hwn yn fawr o berfformiad theatrig, rwy heb fwynhau noson o “theatr” Gymraeg ers tro. Efallai oherwydd fod y rhan fwya o'r perfformiad fel rhyw adlais lled gyfarwydd o fydysawd cyfochrog. Gŵr o'r Cymoedd; canol 40au; dysgu Cymraeg (er yn Rhydfelen); wastad ar y tu fas mewn cymdeithas Saesneg geidwadol; dianc drwy gynnwrf cerddoriaeth a'r sin Gymraeg; mynd o 'steddfod i 'steffod yn datblygu persona a chymeriad; gallu canu. Pob dim, ond yr ola, yn debyb i ryw fi “arall”. Roedd bron pob digwyddiad yn gyfarwydd, er bod Gareth Potter yn cofio llawer mwy na fi o'r amseroedd hynny.
Ffurf y noson oedd darlith hunan-gofiannol, gyda sleidiau a cherddoriaeth amlgyfryngol, ar ddull boblogaidd “An evening with....” Gwendid y perfformiad oedd bod y sgript yn amrywio o ymgeisio i fod yn theatrig i ddisgrifiadau mwy moel, yn enwedig tua'r diwedd wrth ruthro drwy'r 90au.
Roedd GP yn gymeriad hoffus, serch hynny - ar lwyfan beth bynnag - ac yn fodlon syrthio ar ei fai er nad oedd llawer o ddadansoddi neu hunan-ymwybyddiaeth. Cyfres o storiau a hanesion a gafwyd, a rheina yn ddigon difyr. Cafodd gymeradwyaeth gan gynulleidfa deilwng, er bod ei hanner hi braidd yn cofio'r cyfnod dan sylw – roedd clwstwr o bobl yn eu pedwardegau yno a llu o fyfyrwyr/disgyblion ysgol a bron neb arall.
Heddiw, es ati i chwilio am record cynta GP, Byw ar y radio gan Clustiau Cwn. Rwy'n siwr ei fod gyda fi ar un pryd. Rwy'n dal i feddwl fod ganddo un o'r riffs gore i record Cymraeg. Methais a'i ganfod, ond detho'i hyd i Cam o'r Tywyllwch, y record a oedd yn cynnwys yn ôl GP y genhedlaeth a ddaeth wedyn i greu'r Gymru newydd a gwyrdroi siom '79.
Ar ol hir chwilio, cefais o hyd i glip o’r gân, mae’n dechrau tua pum munud i mewn:
Yr unig ymgais gan GP at ddadansoddi oedd cyfeiriad ffwrdd a hi tuag at ddangos nad oedd y Gymraeg yn “eiddo yn unig i Welshies y gorllewin”. Ond gyda’i gân ef a Mark Lugg Rhyw ddydd yn cael ei defnyddio i hyrwyddo Cymdeithas yr Iaith; a’r cyfeiriad at alw bradwyr (gair mwyaf treuliedig a di-werth y mudiad iaith) ar y rheina a ddechreuodd ganu’n Saesneg yn nyddiadau cwl Cymru (megis Catatonia, Gorkis a’r Super Furries), roedd y rhan hon o’r sioe yn haeddu mwy o feddwl a dehongliad.
Rwy’n clywed fod y Dr Hywel Ffiaidd yn ailffurfio ar gyfer Eisteddfod Wrecsam; mae caset ganddo gyda fi rhywle hefyd. Pa frwydrau eraill o'r 80au fydd rhaid i ni ymladd o dan lywodraeth Doriadd ddi-hid am Gymru cyn gosod y genedl nôl ar ei thraed? O leia i'r genhedlaeth hon, llwyddiant refferendwm a dim siom a methiant sydd yn fan cychwyn i'w hymdrechion.
Diolch i Gareth Potter a Sherman Cymru am ein hatgoffa mewn ffordd hwyliog a byrlymus o rai o ymdrechion diwylliannol y 80au a’r 90au i ail-saernio Cymru.
Er nad oedd hwn yn fawr o berfformiad theatrig, rwy heb fwynhau noson o “theatr” Gymraeg ers tro. Efallai oherwydd fod y rhan fwya o'r perfformiad fel rhyw adlais lled gyfarwydd o fydysawd cyfochrog. Gŵr o'r Cymoedd; canol 40au; dysgu Cymraeg (er yn Rhydfelen); wastad ar y tu fas mewn cymdeithas Saesneg geidwadol; dianc drwy gynnwrf cerddoriaeth a'r sin Gymraeg; mynd o 'steddfod i 'steffod yn datblygu persona a chymeriad; gallu canu. Pob dim, ond yr ola, yn debyb i ryw fi “arall”. Roedd bron pob digwyddiad yn gyfarwydd, er bod Gareth Potter yn cofio llawer mwy na fi o'r amseroedd hynny.
Ffurf y noson oedd darlith hunan-gofiannol, gyda sleidiau a cherddoriaeth amlgyfryngol, ar ddull boblogaidd “An evening with....” Gwendid y perfformiad oedd bod y sgript yn amrywio o ymgeisio i fod yn theatrig i ddisgrifiadau mwy moel, yn enwedig tua'r diwedd wrth ruthro drwy'r 90au.
Roedd GP yn gymeriad hoffus, serch hynny - ar lwyfan beth bynnag - ac yn fodlon syrthio ar ei fai er nad oedd llawer o ddadansoddi neu hunan-ymwybyddiaeth. Cyfres o storiau a hanesion a gafwyd, a rheina yn ddigon difyr. Cafodd gymeradwyaeth gan gynulleidfa deilwng, er bod ei hanner hi braidd yn cofio'r cyfnod dan sylw – roedd clwstwr o bobl yn eu pedwardegau yno a llu o fyfyrwyr/disgyblion ysgol a bron neb arall.
Heddiw, es ati i chwilio am record cynta GP, Byw ar y radio gan Clustiau Cwn. Rwy'n siwr ei fod gyda fi ar un pryd. Rwy'n dal i feddwl fod ganddo un o'r riffs gore i record Cymraeg. Methais a'i ganfod, ond detho'i hyd i Cam o'r Tywyllwch, y record a oedd yn cynnwys yn ôl GP y genhedlaeth a ddaeth wedyn i greu'r Gymru newydd a gwyrdroi siom '79.
Ar ol hir chwilio, cefais o hyd i glip o’r gân, mae’n dechrau tua pum munud i mewn:
Yr unig ymgais gan GP at ddadansoddi oedd cyfeiriad ffwrdd a hi tuag at ddangos nad oedd y Gymraeg yn “eiddo yn unig i Welshies y gorllewin”. Ond gyda’i gân ef a Mark Lugg Rhyw ddydd yn cael ei defnyddio i hyrwyddo Cymdeithas yr Iaith; a’r cyfeiriad at alw bradwyr (gair mwyaf treuliedig a di-werth y mudiad iaith) ar y rheina a ddechreuodd ganu’n Saesneg yn nyddiadau cwl Cymru (megis Catatonia, Gorkis a’r Super Furries), roedd y rhan hon o’r sioe yn haeddu mwy o feddwl a dehongliad.
Rwy’n clywed fod y Dr Hywel Ffiaidd yn ailffurfio ar gyfer Eisteddfod Wrecsam; mae caset ganddo gyda fi rhywle hefyd. Pa frwydrau eraill o'r 80au fydd rhaid i ni ymladd o dan lywodraeth Doriadd ddi-hid am Gymru cyn gosod y genedl nôl ar ei thraed? O leia i'r genhedlaeth hon, llwyddiant refferendwm a dim siom a methiant sydd yn fan cychwyn i'w hymdrechion.
Diolch i Gareth Potter a Sherman Cymru am ein hatgoffa mewn ffordd hwyliog a byrlymus o rai o ymdrechion diwylliannol y 80au a’r 90au i ail-saernio Cymru.
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